Saturday, January 31, 2015

28 Days of Decluttering - Really?!

It's January 3, 2015, and I just realized I have to come up with 28 Days of Getting Rid of Clutter  that I actually had the audacity to share with you.  I even have invited you to join a 28 Day Challenge.  One good thing is I realize I have made some strides in organization:  I actually realized I had better think ahead on this thing, instead of doing it on the spur of the moment.  Now, comes the hard part--actually doing it.

28 Days.  I just perused my all of suddenly blank mind, asking myself where is the best place to start?  Is there a best place?  And, I think I have an answer, but I don't know if it will suit all of you.  However, I am going to hope that each day will have meaning for you, and I want you to know this is not an All or Nothing Event!  Idea!!!!  I am going to make an Event page on FB for this, so we can talk about it.  Alright, the plan is happening. Woohoo!

I just googled 28 Days Cleaning and came across "A Slob Comes Clean:  Decluttering."  I never call myself a slob, but I know I do not seem to be one of the "born organized" when it comes to keeping house.  And, I am good at organization, but I always have a problem with keeping it that way.  I learned to clean because company was coming over when I grew up, and it is hard to break the habit.  Thank goodness people come to visit me, or I would get to the point I feel guilty I didn't keep my house FlyLady clean.  I wonder if keeping things clean was one of the reasons Marla Cilley decided to write about it.  I know that teaching something helps me feel more like I have to Live what I am teaching.  

Do you ever ask yourself how you can get so busy with some things in your life, that you neglect others?  For me, that is what happens with cleaning house and keeping it clutter-free.  It doesn't matter how good I feel, so I cannot blame all of it on when I felt fatigued all the time.  I want to be neat and always ready for company, but I am a piler.  I have little piles here and there, then they attract more.  It would be nice to lick this once and for all, so I keep trying.

Maybe, that is the Key!!  Don't give up.  Believe you can become a person that has no problem keeping after the mess in the house, and make your home look good most of the time.  (I stuck some realism in there.  I still have a hard time believing anyone's house looks picture-perfect all of the time.)

The Plan

I will try to post here each day before the day in February that is listed.  So today, I will do another post for February 1.  I am trying to be there for all the time zones.  If you miss a day, just jump in where you are or pick up on the day you missed.  If it takes you a little longer than 28 days, that is okay.  The point is we are encouraging each other to do some cleaning in our homes.  If you tend towards getting so busy that you put off cleaning, you understand what I am dealing with.  Not that all my busyness is the best.  I need to organize that better too.

God Bless You!  I feel better now I am thinking how I can stay at least a week ahead on planning for this.

Come over to Chronic Fatigue and Creative Decluttering.  We are hoping to make 2015 a year of accomplishment in the areas of organizing that escape us at times.

Thursday, January 29, 2015

Much to Learn, Walking My Path

I thought I had given up writing this blog, but the truth is I still have much to learn.  I have had some good changes in my life, which include less pain and more energy;  however, I still have moments that I feel frustrated with myself.  Or, I may feel like I am just spinning my wheels, stuck.

Sometimes, we do not want to admit a less than perfect face to the world;  but, such is life.   We are imperfect people.

My goal for 2015 is to learn to "work smart." Most of the time, I am doing more, although I have had a week that even though it may look like I was getting things done when online, I have felt like my week at home was just Less than I wanted it to be.

In my enthusiasm, I wanted to make goals that were like other people's goals, because it had worked for them.  However, the goals I made have been more than I want or need to do right now.  I do not like admitting that;  but, it is best.  I still have a body that is healing.  How much it will heal, I do not know.  I am thrilled with the results so far;  however, my results include more than my body.  They include my spirit and my mind.

Personally, I have found small steps work for me.  Sometimes, leaps are necessary, but that does not mean I cannot break down what I do into steps that do not overwhelm or frustrate me.  I admit to have always been a person that wanted to Live Up To Other's Expectations;  however, I forgot that can sometimes get me in trouble.  I still have to be me and manage my time to work in my schedule and life.

So, please join me as I explore what is needed.  Maybe, something here will be important to you too.

Hugs, Deborah

Friday, January 23, 2015

Thoughts on What To Do With This Blog

Ya'll, that is Southern for you all, I think I might have to hang up the blog hat for this blog.  You see, I have a conflict.  I am better, because I found some vitamins that are working better for me.  I think the supplements are working so well for me, I want to share them with everyone;  however, I cannot do this on this blog, even though I started the blog during a time in my life, when I felt horrible most of the time.

So, please pray for me as I figure out whether I should keep on writing about cleaning and stuff like that.  I can always use help in that department.  After all, I grew up in a household with parents that went through the depression.  They learned to save just about everything.  At least, that is what I thought at the time.  Now, that there are shows about hoarding, I realize it could have been worse.  They might not have figured out places to hide all the stuff they saved.

Okay.  I am kidding a little, but seriously, I grew up in a time it seemed most adults truly believed in the old adage, "Waste not, want not."  The cool thing is that the present adult generation is in to DIY and making stuff out of junk--uh, uh, I mean "treasures."

So, I will let you know what I am going to do.  Also, I am going to change my comment settings, so you will have to work a little harder to comment.  I really am having to relearn how to manage my time, since I feel better;  so,  maybe I should be writing about that elsewhere.



Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Simple Fixes for Organizing Your Kitchen

Sometimes, one just has to share an article that has easy ideas.  

Yes, I could show you what I have done in my kitchen, like I have before;  however, I am learning to work smarter in 2015.  So I am just going to link you up with this kitchen article that I thought was practical, smart, and easy.

My Shelf on My Wall!  Only lately, I am putting different products on my shelf.

Friday, January 16, 2015

You do have time to have a shiny sink!

Working Smart Series - 2015

Today, I had a thought about shining our sinks.  Don't read this if you feel duty-bound to clean both of your double sinks at the same time.  However, if you are ready to be flexible and not likely to shine your sink every day anyway, I think you will like this idea.  And, your sink will look better.

I have a double sink, and I usually use a dishpan for the dishes I have to wash by hand.  Today, I was doing my thing, and as I gazed at the empty sink, I was appalled.  Too bad I forgot to take a picture.  It just looked gross to me.  Anyway, I emptied the little basket I keep in there, sprinkled some Bar Keepers Friend on the basket, both sides of it,  and sprinkled the sink.  I used a brush I keep for the basket job and I used a sponge that I am going to save for that job to do the rest of the sink.  

As I worked on my sink, I had the thought that I could come back and do the other half tonight after supper, after I had cleaned up any supper utensils that could not go in the dishwasher.  This idea is great for those who have energy issues, for busy people, who have other things they need to get done, people who have problems with staying focused, and for people who are not really enthused about cleaning.  This took me less than two minutes, maybe even less than one.  I suppose that depends on how dirty one's sink is.

About perfection

If you think you have to have absolute perfection, I want to remind you that my sink looks very nice after cleaning it, and drying it.  I was going to circle a tiny speck that was left, but I cannot see it in the picture.  If you live in an older home, like I do, then do not obsess about perfection.  It is counter-productive.  

Let's face it!  A clean home is nicer to live in than a dirty home, but we are never going to have perfection all the time.  Life is too short too drive yourself and your family crazy with that kind of thinking.  

My advice is to "Do the best you can!"  If you do that, you may be surprised how good your home looks by the end of 2015;  moreover, you may find your habits have definitively  improved.

Love you all and wishing you the best for 2015,

Deborah Bolton

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Changes and Challenges

Image Courtesy of Vlado /

Wow!  What a ride I have had the last 7 months.  I am getting healthier and losing weight, but this brings its set of challenges too.  And, I have to admit that for me, it always includes cleaning the house.  But there are other things too, which I have not tried to express in writing;  therefore, I guess it is time to just make a list of those things that are considered in my daily living.

  • I'm busier, so I am having to reorganize how I schedule things.
  • I have had to give up some of the writing I used to do, because I have a job (Yes, being self-employed is still a job.  And,  you have to self-motivate.)
  • I am exercising now, because I can.  I started gradually, and I still am not a huge exerciser compared to what I was before I became sick;  however baby steps do count.
  • I still have to make sure I rest enough.
  • I still have underlying illnesses, but I have found ways to feel more well.
  • I thank God for answered prayer, but He took me through the desert before I saw the answer.
  • I keep turning corners, and saying, "Wow!  I couldn't do that last year."
  • I have learned to let criticism go, because I cannot please everyone.
  • I am trying to keep my Facebook page Chronic Fatigue and Creative Decluttering up and going, but it is hard to do everything I can do now, and have time to do that.  However, I know there are still people out there I want to stay connected with.  Also, they need encouragement, so when I go for my doses of encouragement in the area of decluttering, I share, even if it is not something I wrote. 
  • I am also sharing what has helped me feel better, but I know  that bothers some people.  I thought they would be happy for me, and want to know, because possibly it might help them too.  Because what helped me is non-specific as compared to a pharmaceutical;  and, by non-specific I mean it just helped my body find it's balance.  But, I guess some people just aren't ready to hear yet, like I was a year ago.
  • I am wondering if I should talk about other areas of Balancing Life Changes besides learning to organize one's home and life; or, declutter one's home and life.